
One's own knowledge and understanding of truth are always evolving. This blog seems to have morphed mainly into a collection of scriptural thoughts and insights, mostly for the purpose of personal exploration. I believe that we can "know" spiritual truths. I also believe that the scriptures can be a gateway to that knowledge.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

James Talmage - Testimony

"I say stand by your testimony. When you have received it from the Lord, let it be your guide. It will be no handicap to you in your researches, your studies, your explorations and investigations. It will not detract from your reputation for learning, if you deserve any such reputation, provided you stand by the truth." Conference Report, April 1929, p. 48.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Profound truth from Elder Packer's conference talk...

"I wish to share with you those truths which are the most worth knowing, the things that I have learned and experienced in nearly 90 years of life and over 50 years as a General Authority. Much of what I have come to know falls into the category of things which cannot be taught but can be learned.
Like most things of great worth, knowledge which is of eternal value comes only through personal prayer and pondering. These, joined with fasting and scripture study, will invite impressions and revelations and the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. This provides us with instruction from on high as we learn precept upon precept."