
One's own knowledge and understanding of truth are always evolving. This blog seems to have morphed mainly into a collection of scriptural thoughts and insights, mostly for the purpose of personal exploration. I believe that we can "know" spiritual truths. I also believe that the scriptures can be a gateway to that knowledge.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Gratitude for Trials.....

Trials Archive-Loveumentary.com

Letter to my missionaries:

"I had an "ah ha" today in sacrament meeting.  I was thinking about life's struggles and difficulties and trials and for a second I had a clear picture that when we get to the other side we will be extremely grateful for them as we would be very disappointed to have gone through life on easy street without having had these experiences which are the purpose for our coming to earth. We would feel cheated if we went through life without them.  I think of the D&C scripture that tells us to be thankful in all things.  I wonder if we truly thanked the Lord for our difficulties and weaknesses and for what they teach us, if we would be taught some unique things"   

"I am praying and hoping that you will have contacts to teach who will be blessed by the message.  Put it in the Lord's hands.  It is his work.  If you think of his striving with mankind through all the generations and how many thousands of years he has been working with his children you realize he has great patience.  Even when he was here on the earth in person it was a struggle to get people to see the light.  It has never been easy but his hand is stretched out still and you are a part of that stretched out hand extending the offer again and again. " 

19 And he who receiveth all things with thankfulnessshall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.  (Doctrine and Covenants Sec. 78)

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