
One's own knowledge and understanding of truth are always evolving. This blog seems to have morphed mainly into a collection of scriptural thoughts and insights, mostly for the purpose of personal exploration. I believe that we can "know" spiritual truths. I also believe that the scriptures can be a gateway to that knowledge.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Seeking the Promised Gifts.....

George Q. Cannon

A needed challenge for all of us.  We have too great a tendency towards complacency.

President George Q. Cannon Wrote:

"How many of you are seeking for these gifts that God has promised to bestow?  How many of you, when you bow before your heavenly Father in your family circle or in your secret places, contend for these gifts to be bestowed upon you?  How many of you ask the Father in the name of Jesus to manifest Himself to you through these powers and these gifts?  Or do you go along day by day like a door turning on its hinges, without having any feeling upon the subject, without exercising any faith whatever, content to be baptized and be members of the Church and to rest there, thinking that your salvation is secure because you have done this?"

"I say unto you, in the name of the Lord, as one of His servants, that you have need to repent of this.  You have need to repent of your hardness of heart, of your indifference and of your carelessness.  There is not that diligence, there is not that faith, there is not that seeking for the power of God that there should be among a people who have received the precious promises we have."

George Q. Cannon,  "Receiving Gifts of the Spirit,"  Matthew B. Brown, pg. 25

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