
One's own knowledge and understanding of truth are always evolving. This blog seems to have morphed mainly into a collection of scriptural thoughts and insights, mostly for the purpose of personal exploration. I believe that we can "know" spiritual truths. I also believe that the scriptures can be a gateway to that knowledge.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

...Be diligent and temperate in all things

Plate 1 of classical virtues: Diligence. She is holding a whip and spurs, signifying a drive to steadfastly move forward with one's means.

Alma 38:10 ... and I would that ye would be diligent and temperate in all things.

Alma's counsel to his son Shiblon is worth pondering.

Diligentcharacterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort

"The etymology of diligent reflects the fact that affection can lead to energetic effort. The word, which entered English in the 14th century by way of Anglo-French, descends from the Latin verb diligere, meaning "to value or esteem highly" or "to love."  

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"Diligence, in Christianity, is the effort to do one's part, while keeping faith and reliance in God.  In other words, diligence and faith are two sides of a mystery. One doesn’t know how, despite one's effort, it all works out. But diligence when combined with faith assures spiritual success. Diligence as one of seven virtues describes thoroughness, completeness and persistence of an action, particularly in matters of faith. "  

 -  Wikipedia

Temperate marked by moderation: such as

a keeping or held within limits not extreme or excessive 
b moderate in indulgence of appetite or desire
c moderate in the use of alcoholic beverages
d marked by an absence or avoidance of extravagance, violence, or extreme partisanship 

- Merriam-Webster Dictionary

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